dualityforce Oct 30, 2013 02:16
position: bottom!sam, 'verse: werechesters, fanfic: spn, pairing: sam/dean, fic: kings of the night, genre: action, warning: wincest, rating: nc-17, fanfic: rps
dualityforce Oct 30, 2013 01:56
fic: kings of the night, position: bottom!sam, 'verse: werechesters, warning: wincest, pairing: sam/dean
dualityforce Oct 30, 2013 01:19
position: bottom!sam, 'verse: werechesters, fanfic: spn, fanfic: supernatural, pairing: sam/dean, fic: kings of the night, genre: action, warning: wincest
dualityforce Oct 30, 2013 01:14
position: bottom!sam, 'verse: werechesters, fanfic: spn, fanfic: supernatural, pairing: sam/dean, fic: kings of the night, genre: action, warning: wincest, rating: nc-17